Pennsylvania Power & Light (PPL) Corporation retained LAN to provide surveying, engineering and environmental permitting services for the removal of structures from the Delaware River in Lower Mount Bethel Township, Northampton County, Pennsylvania. The goal was to remove hidden dangers to river navigators during low water level periods, to dissuade unwanted access through PPL owned property to and from the river, and to limit resulting liability.
LAN coordinated with the PA Natural Heritage Program during the project planning phase to obtain a PA Natural Diversity Inventory (PNDI) Environmental Review to evaluate potential impacts to threatened, endangered, special concern species and natural resources associated with the project. As a result of the review, LAN consulted with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, PA Game Commission, PA Fish and Boat Commission, and PA Department of Conservation and Natural Resources to minimize potential impacts to these sensitive resources through design techniques. These techniques included incorporation of floating turbidity barriers, filter bags, and removal of some obstructions from a barge to minimize riverbank disturbance, as well as regulated activity timing restrictions which include conducting activities during low or no flow periods and outside periods that could adversely affect a nearby Peregrine Falcon nest.
LAN also coordinated completion of a botanical survey for White Health Aster which is known to favor calcareous cliffs and outcrops, as well as exposed limestone river scouring found near the project area. The botanical survey was completed in accordance with the PA Department of Conservation and Natural Resources Botanical Survey Protocols and no endangered, threatened, or species of concern plants were observed within the project area which minimized potential impacts to these sensitive flora.
LAN prepared a submission to the PA Department of Environmental Protection to register the proposed activities for authorization under the Dam Safety and Encroachments Act and 25 PA Code Chapter 105, as well as PA State Programmatic General Permit (PASPGP-4) to obtain Federal authorization under Section 10 of the Rivers and Harbors Act and/or Section 404 of the Clean Water Act. Since the project was authorized under a General Permit 11, the PADEP reviewed the Erosion and Sediment Pollution Control Plan for compliance with 25 PA Code Chapter 102.
After obtaining the appropriate authorizations, LAN coordinated with PPL representatives to advise them of certain permit restrictions and solicit bids from contractors to complete the project.
Pennsylvania Power & Light (PPL)
Mount Bethel Township, Pennsylvania
Project Size
+/- 3 Acres
Completion Date
July 2016
Civil Engineering, Land Use, Surveying
LAN Associates is a full-service engineering, planning, architecture, and surveying firm founded in 1965. We take pride in our ability to address the distinct needs of our large and varying client base.