Parks and Recreation Architectural and Engineering Services

It’s Game Time

Sports and Recreation Architectural and Engineering Services

Be it a town park, local recreation area or private sports complex, LAN has the experience to design a space or place that makes a lasting impression and provides a wealth of opportunities for activities, exercise, and social gatherings. We can design the ideal venue to host or play a game and bring communities together.

Inspiration Meets Functionality

LAN has decades of experience establishing a sense of community through placemaking projects that include iconic features and instill a sense of pride. We create attractive environments with inspiring yet practical designs that require minimal maintenance. 

A Core Competency

LAN’s expertise in athletic facilities grew out of being the premier source for municipalities and school districts investing in new construction and large renovations. With over 65 athletic field projects completed, including new athletic structures, press boxes, and play areas, LAN has earned a well-deserved reputation as the top firm for the design of recreational projects.

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Featured Parks and Recreation Projects

Goshen High School Athletics
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Don Bosco Preparatory School Athletic Fields
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J. Fithian Tatem Elementary Playground
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12th Rock Athletic Complex
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"The new building addition and modernized athletic facilities at Goshen High School would not have been possible without the vision and dedication of LAN Associates. Their innovative design, professionalism, and meticulous attention to detail were vital for the betterment of our facilities, which will benefit our students and entire community for many years to come."