LAN was retained by the property owner of two brownfield industrial properties in Totowa, New Jersey that are subject to environmental assessment and investigations under the Industrial Site Recovery Act (ISRA), formerly Environmental Cleanup and Responsibility Act (ECRA). A Global Pharmaceutical Company was the tenant at the two properties totaling 45,584 square feet and 83,525 square feet of industrial space with a combined total of 52 Areas of Concern (AOC).
LAN provided LSRP services to review existing environmental reports and preparation of preliminary assessments and site investigation reports with extensive review of prior consultant’s work. LAN worked with the property owner to complete the ISRA process for both brownfield industrial properties, after taking over all environmental work from a prior consultant mid-project. A deed notice for historic pesticides was established on one property by compliance averaging using a functional area and Thiessen Polygons. This property received a soil Remedial Action Permit (RAP) and a Response Action Outcome (RAO) to close the case. The property was sold to U-Haul shortly after the issuance of the RAO. LAN assisted with the transfer of the environmental responsibilities.
The other Global Pharmaceutical property had extensive and high levels of PCB, metals, and historic fill soil contamination, along with chlorinated solvents within the groundwater. The high levels of PCB required the EPA involvement and coordination with the NJDEP. LAN prepared an EPA PCB soil remediation plan for EPA approval and a Remedial Action Workplan for the NJDEP. LAN was able to establish that the groundwater contamination was from an off-site unknown source. Once the PCB soil remediation plan is approved by the EPA, LAN will coordinate with soil disposal facilities to competitively bid the PCB soil excavation, hauling, disposal, and remediation capping work. The project will conclude with a site wide deed notice, a remedial action permit (RAP), and a response action outcome.
Global Pharmaceutical Company
Totowa, NJ
Civil Engineering, Environmental Services, Land Use, Surveying
LAN Associates is a full-service engineering, planning, architecture, and surveying firm founded in 1965. We take pride in our ability to address the distinct needs of our large and varying client base.